Adult Art Shuffle
Key Ideas
What is Art shuffle?
Adult Art Shuffle is truly unique – students of all levels work in a small group setting exploring the medium and subject matter of their choice. Students work directly with instructors to select projects that meet their skill level and interest. We work with you to build your “Personal Art Plan” that creates a sequence of projects that will help you develop as an artist.
Cre8sArt School
Glen Rock
Impressionism, Still Life, Clay
August 26 - August 30
Morning (8:30am-12:00pm)
Afternoon (12:00pm-2:30pm)
Full Day (8:30am-2:30pm)
Key Ideas
Still Life
Why is it important?
Students will learn about an art style known as Impressionism. This style can be found in paintings by Monet, Seurat, and Van Gogh
Students will understand how 3-dimensional shapes react to a light source to create still life paintings
Clay stimulates the child's curiosity, encourages experimentation, and allows them to create 3-dimesional sculptures.
(All supples are included)
Please pack snack and lunch. (no nuts containing food please)
Seats are limited, Please RSVP.